Wake up at 6:30 or 7:00 am even on your days off

Watch funny TV shows. Avoid the news

Have morning rituals and tasks before work or school

Light a white candle and some incense
Turn on some Music

Apply for unemployment compensation

Volunteer to engineer the 6:00 news at a community radio station

Buy a piano and get it tuned...Take a piano class

Learn how to play other instruments

Practice and create a bit of music everyday

Rescue an injured dog

Enroll in a creative writing class to learn some tricks and awaken your creativity. Get an A!

Enroll in an English class. Write some cool papers. Get an A!

Learn about Frankenstein and Edgar Allan Poe

Enroll in a computer technology class to learn how the modern world works

Learn some new words

Get a job at a Metaphysical bookstore

Work at fairs and conventions as a sales rep for the city's newspaper

Get a cell phone.

Seek help if you need it

Buy a bag of good pot and make it last 3 months

Learn about Hawthorne and the Salem Witch Trials

Take another English class. Do a research paper. Get another A!

Volunteer or get a job as a Tutor, Mentor, or Coach

Host a Friday morning radio show at a college radio station

Work as a teacher's aid

Learn a few things about poetry

Develop a best friend relationship with someone of like mind who cares about you

Perform some original music at a school event

Collaborate with someone on their project

Take a Philosophy class. Do a lot of writing. Get an A!

Take a Psychology class. Do a lot of writing. Get an A!

Always remind yourself that you are a small, yet significant part of something larger

Write a column for the college newspaper

Become a member of a club

Take a Psychology of Personal Growth class. Write a lot

Do little things that lead to the achievement of your goals and dreams

Have an ornamental sugar bowl on the dining room table

Paint a wall

Do some gardening

Clean the house

Explore a Sexual Fantasy


Have a beer on the morning of your day off...sometimes.

Have an overnight guest

Have communal meals

Enjoy your money; don’t own a car. Fill a friend's gas tank

Practice non-violence in word, thought, and deed

Dress nicely

Write a lot!

Visit an art museum with some people you don’t know

Collect Something

Meet lots of great people!

Shut your mouth!

Speak your mind

Hug a tree

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